Shepherd of the Desert Podcast
Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Shepherd of the Desert in Scottsdale, AZ where our mission is to lead people to follow Jesus. Our desire is that this podcast will encourage you in your relationship with God. Visit us at sotdaz.org.
Shepherd of the Desert Podcast
Adventually | Shepherd Audio Sermon 10th December
Shepherd of the Desert
Season 34
Episode 2
Adventually. What a great descriptor of the blue season of the Church year before Christmas. A mash up of Advent, the season, and eventually, the adverb, and the outcome is a great summary of “the hopes and fears of all the years [which] are met in Thee [Christ] tonight.” Join us as we delight in a new found word-friend, becoming oriented more keenly toward Christmas and CHRISTMAS [the Last Day when Christ comes again].