Shepherd of the Desert Podcast
Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Shepherd of the Desert in Scottsdale, AZ where our mission is to lead people to follow Jesus. Our desire is that this podcast will encourage you in your relationship with God. Visit us at
526 episodes
May 5th 2024 Audio Sermon | United To The Finish!
We dive into a new series called United To The Finish! Join us for today's audio sermon.
Sharing Your Faith - Without Speaking A Word! Audio Sermon 7th April
As we step out of a victorious and joy-filled Easter, we step into a world desperate to know Jesus. How can we share our faith, and show how much God loves our neighbors? Let's take a cue from the Apostle John and consider whether our lives ref...
Season 36
Episode 1
2nd March Audio Sermon
This weekend Jesus storms into the temple courtyard overturning tables and booths, and driving out merchants and animals. Talk about some Spring cleaning! What does this surprising outburst from the Savior say to people like you and me, people ...
Season 37
Episode 3
Everyone knows who Jesus is, right? Shepherd Audio Sermon 25th Feb.
Everyone knows who Jesus is, right? We all have the same general idea about His purpose, His power, and His personality... but are we missing something? Join us in worship this week for a deeper look at Jesus' identity, and what it really means...
Season 37
Episode 2
When Shadows Fall, Careful Steps with Jesus Toward the Cross | Week 1
As the days grow longer, Shepherd begins a new worship series: When Shadows Fall, Careful Steps with Jesus Toward the Cross. Here in Arizona, we take walking somewhat seriously. Diamondback rattlesnake bites can cause serious damage. We've lear...
Season 37
Episode 1
Jesus in a new light | Shepherd Worship 11th February
This Sunday we encounter Jesus in a new light, compared to the rest of the Gospel story. He takes three close disciples to the top of a mountain and reveals to them a glimpse of His heavenly glory! Why? This revelation not only surprises and ev...
Season 36
Episode 1
Finalizing your Good Goals | Shepherd Audio Sermon 4th February
We've spent the last four weeks together digging into what it means to live a life "guided by God's Word." We've heard from the pages of the New Testament about the principles necessary in identifying goals worth following. This weekend we expl...
Season 35
Episode 5
Who are your goals about? Shepherd Audio Sermon 28th January
Who are your goals about? Of course we make goals for ourselves and families, but God''s work in our lives broadens the scope. How can my goals take others into consideration? What would my life look like if I was oriented toward the car...
Season 35
Episode 4
Shepherd Audio Sermon | 21st January
There are a lot of competing factors for our attention and devotion in life. If we allow any of one of them to eclipse the central role our relationship with Jesus has for us, we run the risk of constant anxiety and worry because each of ...
Season 35
Episode 3
Good Goals | Shepherd Audio Sermon 14th December
Getting after a goal can be tough. What if I don't feel like it? What if there are habits or mindsets that get in the way? In 1 Corinthians, the apostle Paul gives insight into our relationship with Jesus - that He is the One who has redeemed a...
Season 35
Episode 2
7th January Audio Sermon | Good Goals
New Year’s is full of opportunity and potential - will you make this one count? Do you have a resolution that will change things for the better? On Sunday we are hearing the famous story of the Wise Men and will take a lesson from them about ho...
Season 35
Episode 1
New Years Eve Message | Navigating Life's Journey Through the Lens of Encouragement
Imagine having a heart-to-heart with two pastors who have wisdom to share about life, friendships, family, and the power of encouragement. That's exactly what you'll get with Pastors John Karolus and Scott Seidler in this episode of Valley Chat...
Season 34
Episode 4
Shepherd Audio Sermon | 17th December
Join us this season for our series "Advent-ually": Adventually. What a great descriptor of the blue season of the Church year before Christmas. A mash up of Advent, the season, and eventually, the adverb, and the outcome is a great summary of “...
Season 34
Episode 3
Adventually | Shepherd Audio Sermon 10th December
Adventually. What a great descriptor of the blue season of the Church year before Christmas. A mash up of Advent, the season, and eventually, the adverb, and the outcome is a great summary of “the hopes and fears of all the years [which] are me...
Season 34
Episode 2
Picture Perfect | Shepherd Audio Sermon 3rd December
Join us for worship this weekend as we begin our Christmas anticipating Advent series “Picture Perfect.” The cards we send and photos we post this time of year would have you believe everything is perfect and we’re all very happy - but real lif...
Season 34
Episode 1
Thanksgiving Weekend Audio Sermon
Join Pastor Alan for a Thanksgiving message from our Shea campus
Season 33
Episode 4
Shepherd Audio Sermon 19th November | Valley Chat
This week our digital worship is a showcase of the resurrected Shepherd Podcast! Join Pastors Scott and John as they dig into what it means to be a Christian who doesn't forget their identity as a human being, created by God for the very life H...
Season 33
Episode 3
Veterans Weekend Audio Sermon
I love when something is done really well - even if it is not something I am particularly interested in, like a vegetarian dessert, or historical docu-drama. This weekend, we hear a particularly well-executed parable that leaves anyone who hear...
Season 33
Episode 2